Improve your presence and power.
Look and feel amazing!

Does your body feel older than your years?
Do you struggle to find the time and motivation to be active?
Is your lack of fitness affecting your confidence?

We will look at where you are now and what changes you would like to see in your body and work out the best way possible to help you achieve the changes you would like to see in your body.
The Latest on the Blog
How to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss and Enjoy Doing It
There was a time when people talked about health and fitness. These days, everyone is talking about weight loss. What’s going on? How have things changed? What can I do to change my weight, be healthy and fit, and enjoy doing it? Here are the top 2 things...
Protein Chocolate Muffins
Protein Chocolate Muffins 12 egg whites1 cup uncooked oatmeal3 tbsp low sugar red raspberry jam1 dash vanilla extract and/or almond extract2 tbsp Cocoa powder4 tbsp Nesquick chocolate no sugar added milk mix powder1 ounce dried cranberries ((optional))1 tsp...
Train like the Pros
If you are as enthusiastic about training as I am, and I know you are because you are reading this, here are some tips and interesting bits of information to improve your workouts and inspire you to keep going. Some people experience headaches when they...